A litte out of place perhaps on this site but she is a boat and is ours, these two shots were taken about seven years ago on a courtesy visit to the capital in these pictures she has just rounded the bend in the Thames at Gravesend, she was probably two miles from my camera position which was Cliffe Marshes and the ship is coming up to Higham Bight, up in the bows she has a video and radar controled Gatling Gun with lock on potential and is capable of firing thousands of rounds a minute. coming through this part of the journey to open water is the most hazardous with the isolated marshes of Essex and Kent both sides the special boat service were escorting them in fast boats fully armed , they paid me a visit just to satisfy themselves that I was not a terrorist waiting with some sort of missile. I perhaps should add that she has a compliment of Harrier Jets just waiting to jump off the deck and decimate any threats.

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