Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alan H. Buchanan. Designer of the Wild Duck

Mr. Buchanan lives in retirement in Jersey. Though he started his life in the design rooms of Shorts flying Boats in Rochester Kent, during WWII he spent a lifetime developing designs, but more on the lines of the cruiser racer, with deeper long keels. Many of his designs are classics in their own right, and are sailed competitively still.

I owned a Wild Duck "Tinaloa" purchased from a Gravesend Yacht Club member, she gave me many pleasant voyages on the Medway and East Coast, I owned her for five years before reluctantly going for a bigger craft and more work

A book that I have read over and over again "The Magic of the Swatchways" by Maurice Grffiths, if ever any reader gets a chance to read this book, he will not be disappointed.

The pictures below are by kind permission of The Eventide Owners Club they have my thanks.
you will find a link to their site in favourites on the right.

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